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Coach HQ
Getting started
Good advice for coaches
Add a player to age group (members)
Add coach to age group (members)
Remove player from age group (members)
Connect guardian to a player (members)
How to invite a guardian to your team
Attendance report (members)
Group tab in age group (groups)
Create and edit subgroups (groups)
Delete groups (groups)
Why can´t I see my schedule as a coach? (groups)
Events tab in age group (events)
Create a training (events)
How to create a training plan (events)
Create a match and select the match day squad(events)
See all 26 articles
Most common tasks
Connect to KSÍ match database (events)
Import matches directly from Torneopal (events)
Resource calendar for coaches (events)
Add player last minute to a single event (events)
Manage coaches (events)
Flexible groups at events (events)
Add Cover photo of an event
Connected/not connected users
Ready for training after suspension?
Trainings / homework through Sportabler
Time zone
Common tasks
Create payable event (events)
Payment deadline and reminders
Create sub-group from payable event
Add credits on members for payable events
Change the amount/add a discount on members in Abler Pay
Member attended or will attend but payment deadline has passed
New registration for short term courses