In Abler, users can be assigned different roles within your organisation, such as Club admin or Coach, each with varying permissions. Below is a detailed explanation of these roles.


Admin role

You can assign an Admin to the entire organisation, giving them full access, or limit their role to a specific division, meaning they can only view and manage that division without access to the broader organisation.

There are four distinct Admin roles in Abler: 

  1. Club admin role
    This role allows full access to most of the organization’s functions but excludes payment-related features. Admins cannot manage payments, view financial reports, or access payable events and service overviews. This role is suitable for head coaches or staff who need access to manage the organization but do not require control over finances.
  2. Club payment
    For coaches or staff using the Abler Pay solution to collect fees for specific tournaments.
    • Club admin + Club payment role
      This role grants the user full access to the organisation, including management of payments, membership fees, and the ability to add other staff members. It is ideal for users who need comprehensive control over the organisation's operations.
  3. Club accountant
    Available to those with the accountant function enabled. The Accounting tab in the Finance view allows batch processing of transactions, setting accounting keys, and retrieving accounting data.
  4. Club reception
    This role has limited rights, making it ideal for settings like gyms where reception staff can create subscriptions and assist customers. This role is assigned at the division level.

Coaching role

The Coaching role is intended for staff managing specific teams or age groups within the organisation. Coaches have access to add events like matches, send messages, and track attendance for their assigned groups.

Coaches can be assigned different levels of responsibility:

  1. Head Coach
    The Head Coach is displayed as such in the app, making it easy for players and guardians to identify who is responsible for the age group. They can add other coaches, manage events, trainings, and handle all team-related responsibilities.
  2. Coach
    Similar to the Head Coach, but without the ability to add additional coaches to the age group. Listed as "Coach" in the app, they appear below the Head Coach in the team structure.
  3.  Assistant
    This role is less commonly used and is intended for parents, kit managers, or other helpers who need the ability to create events but don't require full coaching privileges.

Assigning roles in Abler

Creating an Admin (organisation level)

  1. Select the club in the left-hand menu.
  2. On the Edit menu, select Edit club.
  3. In the Edit club window, select Admins and then Add admin at the bottom.
  4. Fill in the form and select the appropriate role(s). When you are finished, select Add admin. An email invite will be sent, allowing the new Admin to create an account and access the organisation through
  5. To save your changes, select Update.

Creating an Admin (division level)

  1. Select the club the left-hand menu.
  2. Select the relevant division.
  3. On the Edit menu, select Edit Division.
  4. In the Edit Division window, select Admins and then Add admin at the bottom.
  5. Enter the information, select the appropriate role(s), and select Add admin. An email invite will be sent, allowing the new Admin to create an account and access the organisation through

Creating a Coach/Staff member

  1. Under the relevant division in the left-hand menu, select Staff
    • If any staff have already been added to the division, they will be displayed on the left-hand side. To assign a coach, drag their name to the appropriate age group on the right-hand side. If you need to remove a coach from an age group, drag their name from the age group to the staff list on the left-hand side.
  2. To add a new staff member, Add Staff
  3. You will be prompted to choose the appropriate age group. If the coach manages multiple age groups, you can select more than one. Adding a coach with just their email address is sufficient. 
  4. Fill in the staff details and select their role. When you are finished, select Add Staff.

  5. The staff member will receive an invitation via email. They can use the link to create their account and access their assigned age groups on


Keywords: staff, user roles, admin, coach