You can easily see if a member has an active account, a pending invite, or is just registered. This is visible in Coach HQ and Director HQ under Age groups.

A member profile can have three stages. This applies for all members types: staff, coaches, guardians and players.

Registered: Light boarder

  • The member has been registered by others (e.g., guardian or coach) but does not have an active account
  • Vivian A currently has a profile picture, but her account is not active. A guardian has the ability to add a profile picture to their child's account if the account has not been activated.

Pending invite to activate: dash border

  • The member has been invited to activate an account by others (e.g., guardian or coach) with the invite sent via emails or sms.

Activated account: Black border

  • The member has an active account with Abler (App/Web), activated via invite or self-sign-up.

Member status and Guardian status

To view additional details in the member list, make sure to select the "Player Status" and "Show Guardians" options.

In the example shown:

  • Toby Jones and the guardian have a pending invite.
  • Thomas G is registered but does not have a connected guardian. You can click "Invite" to send an invitation to both Thomas and a guardian.
  • Olivia and her guardian have successfully activated their accounts.

  • To message a member or their family, simply click the three dots located on the right side of the screen.