As a club administrator, you can register members for a service, and the system will automatically generate an invoice for payment in the Abler shop.
To register a member:
- Navigate to Service overview in the left-hand menu, and then select the service where you want to register the player.
- Select the Subscriptions tab and find the relevant member. If the member is not listed, go to the three-dots icon at the top of the member list and select Add Member. Use the search function to find the member by name or email. If system cannot find the member, select Add new member and complete the required fields. For more information about adding members, see Adding and removing members from groups.
- Once you see the player's name on the left-hand side of the Subscriptions view, drag and drop their name to the desired service option on the right-hand side.
- A pop-up window will appear. If the member is eligible for a discount, you can apply it here before proceeding.
- After completing the registration, an unpaid invoice will be generated in the member's Abler account. This invoice can be paid by the member or their guardian, for more information, see Paying an invoice in Abler.
Leitarorð: service, members, register